Three concerts of electroacoustic and contemporary featuring performances by SIAL staff, postgraduates and guests
Spectrum 03 included new works from composers and sound designers working in the Studios, a feature concert of chamber music by Karlheinz Stockhausen and electroacoustic works recasting the soundscape of urban environments.
Thursday 24th May, 2007 8pm – Concert 1; from the SIAL Sound Studios
•hallelu et Hashem min hashamayim: Adam Yee Elizabeth Barcan (flute)
•Primal: Jeffrey Hannam
•Hommage to W6, part II (R.M Schafer’s Leather Strap): Kristian Ekholm
•The Modular Garden: Scott Brewer
•I+R1: Nicholas Murray
•A Matter of Life and Death*: Steve Mackey (b.1955) Michael Fowler, piano
•Homage Au Ornette
Michael Fowler (keyboards/electronics), Timothy Constable (percussion) Tristram Williams (trumpet/electronics), Jeffrey Hannam (processing and spatialisation)
*Australian premier
Friday 25th May, 2007 8pm – Concert 2; STOCKHAUSEN
•Der Kleine Harlekin* Karen Heath, clarinet
•Aries* Tristram Williams, trumpet
•Vibra Elufa*
•Komet* Stuart Gerber, vibraphone/electronics
•Tanze Lucefa* Karen Heath, clarinet
•Drachenkampf Michael Fowler, synthesizer Ben Marks, trombone Tristram Williams, trumpet *Australian premier