Voicing the Sonic: a case study of the RMIT Sonic Arts Collection and the Speaker Orchestra
Harvey, L. Buckingham, J. Bartolomei, L. Lever, G. Peters, J.
Conference publication: ACUADS, Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools.
Walk With Me
Hannam, J. Harvey, L.
Book chapter: Non-Representational Theory and the Creative Arts, pp.311-324
Configuring fixed-coefficient active control systems for traffic noise reduction
Zhao, S. Qui, X. Lacey, J. Maisch, S.
Journal article: Building and Environment, Vol.149, pp.415-427
Touchstone: a discussion of a digitally integrated artwork designed to facilitate community engagement
Lacey, J. McLeod, R. Anderson, C. and Khoo, C.
Conference publication: Proceedings of the 2017 Responsive Cities/Active Public Space Symposium, Areti Markoupoulou, Chiara Farinea, Mathilde Marengo (ed.), Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 33-40
Canyon: Experiments in Drawing through Analogue Sketching,Sound and Virtual Reality
Twose, S. Moloney, J. Harvey, L.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Design Research Conference (ADR 18), pp.179-194; ADR 18 (Sydney, Australia, 27/09/2018 - 28/09/2018)
Exploring Data Sonification to Enable, Enhance, and Accelerate the Analysis of Big, Noisy, and Multi-Dimensional Data: Workshop 9
Cooke, J. Diaz-Merced, W. Foran, G. Hannam, J. Garcia, B.
Conference proceeding: International Astronomy Union Symposium 339, pp.1-6; IAU Symposium 339 (Cape Town, South Africa, 13/11/2017 - 17/11/2017)
RMIT Acoustic design innovations for managing motorway traffic noise by cancellation and transformation
Lacey, J. Pink, S. Harvey, L. Qui, X. Sumartojo, S. Zhao, S. Moore, S. Hurtado, M. Maisch, S.
Report: Transurban
The value chamber: performance and digital iterations across art, design and education
Harvey, L. Moore, G. Forrest, D. Trail, M. Godwin, L. McGilp, S.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 2017 Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS) Conference, pp.1-14; Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (Canberra, Australia, 28/09/2017 - 29/09/2017)
Improvisations in polyrhythmic spatiality
Ham, J.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), pp.285-294; ANAZAScA 2017: Back to the Future: The Next 50 Years (Wellington, New Zealand, 29/11/2017 - 02/12/2017)
An Architectural Approach to 3D Spatial Notation
Ham, J.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 2017 TENOR Conference, pp.1-12; TENOR 2017 (A Coruna, Spain, 24/05/2017 - 26/05/2017)
Exploring the Three Dimensional Spatiality of Polyrhythmic Drum Improvisation
Ham, J. Kieferle, J. Woessner, U.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, pp.629-636; eCAADe 2017 ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! (Sapienza University of Rome,, 20/09/2017 - 22/09/2017)
Soundscape design of motorway parkland environments - transformation, cancellation, and ethnography
Lacey, J. Moore, S. Pink, S. Zhao, S. Harvey, L. Qiu, X. Sumartojo, S. Maisch, S.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 2nd Invisible Places International Symposium 2017, pp.52-63; Invisible Places 2017: Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place (São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, 07/04/2017 - 09/04/2017)
Silencing urban exhalations: A case study of student-led soundscape design interventions
Lacey, J.
Journal article: Journal of Sonic Studies, Vol.14, pp.1-15
Sonic rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design
Lacey, J.
Book: Bloomsbury Academic
Urban Soundscape Installations for the Diversification of Acoustic Ecologies: an Ecosophical Approach
Lacey, J.
Book chapter: Music and ecologies of sound: Theoretical Projects for a Listening of the World, pp.147-156
Developing a parametric spatial framework for digital drumming
Ham, J. Prohasky, D.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2016), pp.197-202; SMC 2016 (Hamburg, Germany, 31/08/2016 - 03/09/2016)
Starting with nothing' and 'Ending up with something': Musical improvisation and parametric spatial design improvisation
Ham, J. Harvey, L. Schnabel, M. Prohasky, D.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADE 2016), pp.1-9; eCAADE 2016 (Oulu, Finland, 22/08/2016 - 26/08/2016)
Sonic placemaking: three approaches and ten attributes for the creation of enduring urban sound art installations
Lacey, J.
Journal article: Organised Sound, Vol.21(2), pp.147-159
Sounds in space or space in sounds? Architecture as an auditory construct
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol.19(1), pp.61-72
The slow floor: increasing creative agency while walking on an interactive surface
Feltham, F. Loke, L. Van de Hoven, E. Hannam, J. Bongers, B.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, pp.105-112; TEI 2014 (Germany, 16/02/2014 - 19/02/2014)
Improving models for urban soundscape systems
Harvey, L.
Journal Article: Sound Effects-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, Vol.3(3), pp.113-137
Site-specific soundscape design for the creation of sonic architectures and the emergent voices of buildings
Lacey, J.
Journal article: Buildings, Vol.4, pp.1-24
Designing urban soundscapes for the effects of nature
Lacey, J.
Conference proceeding: Future nature, Future Culture(s): Peer-reviewed papers for Balance - Unbalance 2013 International Conference, pp.122-133; 2013 Balance-Unbalance International Conference (Noosa, Australia, 31/05/2013 - 02/06/2013)
Conceptual overlays for urban soundscape design emerging from a transversal analysis of Lefebvre, Deleuze and Guattari, and Arendt
Lacey, J.
Journal article: SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, Vol.3(3), pp.71-93
Soundscape as a design strategy for landscape architectural praxis
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Design Studies: the international journal for design research in engineering, architecture, products and systems, Vol.34(1), pp.111-128
Revoicing the urban soundscape: a case study of soundscape design interventions at RMIT University
Lacey, J.
Conference proceeding: Proceedings of the 2012 the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (Cumulus) Northern World Mandate Conference (Cumulus 2012), pp.1-9; Cumulus 2012: Towards open and participative cities (Helsinki, Finland, 24/05/2012 - 26/05/2012)
The equidome, a personal spatial reproduction array
Barbour, J.
Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the132nd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2012, pp.716-722; 132nd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2012 (Budapest, Hungary, 26/04/2012 - 29/04/2012)
Sound cartography approaches to urban soundcape research: CitySounds and sites-of-respite in the CBD of Melbourne
Lacey, J. Harvey, L.
Book chapter: Mapping Environmental Issues in the City : Arts and Cartography Cross Perspectives, pp.246-265
Pre-modern design of post-natural soundscapes
Lacey, J. Harvey, L.
Journal article: Kerb: Journal of Landscape Architecture, Vol.19, pp.114-119
Appropriating an architectural design tool for musical ends
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Digital Creativity, Vol.22(4), pp.275-287
Choreographies of Inhabitation: an investigation into visual, auditory and spatial relationships
Knueppel, G. Fowler, M.
Conference proceeding: Occupation: Negotiations with Constructed Space, pp.1-13; Occupation: Negotiations with Constructed Space (Brighton, UK, 02/07/2009 - 04/07/2009)
Curating milieux
Harvey, L.
Book chapter: The Curator in the Academy, pp.32-50
The Ephemeral Architecture of Stockhausen's Pole fur 2
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Organised Sound, Vol.15(3), pp.185-197
Mapping sound-space: The Japanese garden as auditory model
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol.14(1), pp.63-70
Sound in domestic virtual environments
Yuille, J.
Book chapter: Small Tech: The Culture of Digital Tools, pp.207-211
Do the blocks rock: a tangible interface for play and exploration
Feltham, F.
Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the Australasian Computers-Human Interaction Conference 2008, pp.1-8; Australasian Computers-Human Interaction Conference 2008 (OZCHI08) (Cairns, Qld, 08/12/2008 - 12/12/2008
Three translations of O: A few thoughts and explanations
Fowler, M.
Journal article: Perspectives of New Music, Vol.43-43(Summer 2005/Winter 2006.), pp.299-313
Aural culture
Harvey, L.
Book chapter: The sensuous intellect, pp.34-41
Resounding Cities: Acoustic Ecology and Games Technology
Harvey, L. Moloney, J.
Book chapter: Building Sustainable Communities: Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship, pp.181-196
Ephemeral envelopment: the electroacoustic music studio in a school of spatial studies
Harvey, L. Fowler, M. Murray, N.
Conference proceeding: Architecture, Music, Acoustics (Toronto, Canada, 08/06/2006 - 11/06/2006)
Three translations of O: A few thoughts and explanations
Fowler, M.
Journal Article: Perspectives of New Music, Vol.43-43(Summer 2005/Winter 2006.), pp.299-313
The aural eye: soundscape practice and pedagogy in design education
Harvey, L.
Journal Article: Idea, Vol.2005, pp.129-138
Visualisation and auralisation of architectural design in a game engine based collaborative virtual environment
Harvey, L. Moloney, J.
Conference Proceeding: Information Visualisation, 8th International Conference on (IV'04) Proceedings Online, pp.827-832; Information Visualisation, 8th International Conference on (IV'04) (London, UK, 14/07/2004 - 16/07/2004)
Implementing Nonlinear Sound Strategies within Spatial Design: Learning sound and spatial design within a collaborative virtual environment
More, G. Harvey, L. Moloney, J. Burry, M.
Conference paper: MelbourneDAC 2003 streamingworlds: 5th International Digital Arts & Culture Conference, RMIT University, School of Applied Communication, Melbourne, Australia