Eight Panels for organ, live electronics and sound diffusion system (Max/ MSP) by Lawrence Harvey (2007) with collaboration from Andrew Blackburn, Jeffrey Hannam and Stephen Adam.
Eight Panels was a structured improvisation conceived by Andrew Blackburn and Lawrence Harvey. The notation of Eight Panels is graphic, and the score is divided into eight sections, each quite different in character and of (up to) 5 minutes duration. The organ score is at the top of the page and below are two further systems for the technologists – processing in the middle, and spatialisation at the bottom.
For reproductions of the score and further discussion, see Andrew Blackburn’s PhD dissertation “The organ and realtime dsp – new music for an ancient instrument: changing perceptions and performative techniques of an organist – a practice based research study.”
25th of May, 2010
Toorak Uniting Church, Melbourne